The Performance Engine
The Performance Engine
Shifting mindsets to power change

To truly transform your organization, you have to fundamentally change the way your people think.

The Performance Engine is a unique and immersive experience designed to ignite your organization to make change. By dramatically shifting the mindsets of long-tenured employees, you can foster the skills they need to positively disrupt the status quo and drive results that matter.

What our clients say...
The Performance Engine’s methodology is straightforward, practical, trainable and repeatable. I rarely give testimonials, but The Performance Engine is the real deal.”
President, Insurance Group, Fortune 100 Insurance Company
Shifting Mindsets Powering Change

It starts with The Accelerator

The Accelerator is a two-day immersive experience in which participants are charged with solving a frustrating problem for an organization remarkably like their own. In this unscripted environment, individual behaviors and organizational culture emerge. Strengths and roadblocks to change are identified. Mindsets are shifted and new capabilities are built in the areas of:

Active Agility
Customer-Centric Design
Engineered Simplicity
Digital Connectivity
10X innovation

The team challenges assumptions, visualizes what “could be” and develops new ways of thinking. With new problem-solving models in place, participants apply lessons from The Accelerator to a persistent challenge in their own organization–and design a fully operational pilot in 30 days.


The Performance Engine is built to drive results that matter

To truly transform your organization you have to fundamentally change the way your people think. And that’s hard…but not impossible.

To truly transform your organization... have to fundamentally change the way your people think
Results driven

It's your people. It's fast. It's guaranteed. It's yours.

Disrupt the status quo

The Performance Engine is a unique and immersive experience designed to dramatically shift the mindsets of long-tenured employees and give them the skills they need to positively disrupt the status quo.

Meet our leadership
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