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Uma equipa de líderes de cada vez®
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Route to the Top

Today’s CEO: The growing importance of character, learning, and leading in a contested world

In 2024, one capability stands out above the rest: those who travel the route to the top today must demonstrate the ability to lead across the boundaries that divide us.

Organizational culture shaping

Aligning culture with the bottom line

Our second survey of CEOs around the world underscores the deep links leaders see between culture and financial performance.

AI Thought leadership

Heidrick & Struggles Insights: Artificial Intelligence

AI is reshaping business models and organizations at a dizzying speed. Leaders face increased pressure to define and find the talent they need to understand, implement, and govern AI in a safe, ethical, and profitable way.

Developing future leaders

Treating your leadership pipeline as a strategic asset

Companies are at more risk than ever before of becoming net exporters of effective leaders for reasons ranging from unprecedented retention challenges to an inability to understand how to develop and retain the leaders they will need, as those needs change faster than ever.

Serviços integrados alimentados por dados
A nossa experiência em pesquisa e em consultoria organizacional capacita os nossos clientes para a criação de líderes, equipas e organizações de elevado rendimento.

Encontre um consultor

Fale com um especialista do nosso setor.

Explore possibilidades de carreira

Eleve a sua carreira ao nível seguinte.