Construir fundações fortes de líderes prontos para o futuro
Da sala de reuniões à sala dos diretores, os líderes de sucesso aceitam a mudança e definem o tom em assuntos vitais que são cruciais para o sucesso de uma organização. Contudo, a competência de promover a liderança exige compromisso e vontade de implementar novos conhecimentos, que possam abrir novas possibilidades para desbloquear todo o potencial de um líder.

Na Heidrick & Struggles, os nossos serviços de consultoria ajudam a avaliar, desenvolver, formar e agilizar os líderes, as equipas e as organizações por completo. Aplicando os nossos conhecimentos aprofundados dos comportamentos e atributos dos líderes em muitas das principais empresas do mundo, orientamos os nossos clientes durante a implementação de uma cultura próspera de líderes prontos para o futuro.

Heidrick Consulting Brochure

Our dedicated team co-creates leadership journeys that best suit our clients’ specific challenges. Through a combination of proprietary tools and approaches, as well as market-leading techniques, we develop solutions that accelerate the realization of clients’ performance ambitions. In our brochure, learn about our consulting practice’s impact, methodology, and solutions.


5 Drivers of Employee Value Proposition for a future-proof workforce

What’s the best way to attract, develop, and retain the top next-generation leaders for your business? The Employee Value Proposition—or EVP—can be a critical differentiator. The EVP concept isn’t new, but it’s often misunderstood and not clearly defined. This playbook will help you think about and assess your EVP in terms of five key drivers: Purpose, Culture, Leadership, Development, and Total Rewards.

How to Build effective teams

Lead Through Anything

Lead Through Anything focuses on a wide variety of skills, such as aligning people and energy to a common cause, building effective teams and helping them work together more selflessly, establishing positive confidence more often in oneself and others, increasing engagement and retaining top talent, and shaping a positive, impact-driven organizational culture.

Developing future leaders

Treating your leadership pipeline as a strategic asset

Companies are at more risk than ever before of becoming net exporters of effective leaders for reasons ranging from unprecedented retention challenges to an inability to understand how to develop and retain the leaders they will need, as those needs change faster than ever.

Enabling a world better led

Using a combination of our agile approach, digital-first proprietary tools, and market-leading techniques, we help clients accelerate progress toward their ambitions with solutions that respond to the challenges of an ever-changing world.


Quatro aceleradores fundamentais da liderança

A capacidade de mobilizar, executar e transformar com agilidade

See our Industry Expertise
Heidrick & Struggles serves clients across virtually every industry and sector.
As nossas avaliações do potencial de agilidade dos líderes ao longo do ano transato comprovam que menos de metade são bons em qualquer uma das quatro caraterísticas
Commitment to DE&I 
Agilidade social
Destreza de pensamento
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