2024 Industrial Technology Officers Organization Survey
Industrial Tech

2024 Industrial Technology Officers Organization Survey

Our first annual Industrial Technology Officers Organization Survey compiles data from a survey of senior-level executives in industrial technology companies around the world, with respondents primarily in the United States and Germany.
September 11, 2024

Welcome to our first annual Industrial Technology Officers Organization Survey. For this report, Heidrick & Struggles compiled data from a survey of 57 senior-level executives in industrial technology companies around the world, with respondents primarily in the United States and Germany. We hope to expand the regional scope in future reports.

We hope you enjoy reading the report. As always, suggestions are welcome, so please feel free to contact us—or your Heidrick & Struggles representative—with questions and comments.


The next phase of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is well underway at companies around the world: a people-driven, tech-powered transformation of business operations—and growth. 

Companies at the forefront of this change are cognizant of the fact that technology alone—even artificial intelligence technology–won’t get them to a better state. They must have the right leadership in place, those who understand where operational improvements are needed, and who can implement change in a timely fashion. 

To understand the journey of industrial organizations seeking to make this step change, Heidrick & Struggles recently surveyed leaders from industrial technology companies, primarily in Germany and the United States. The executives who were surveyed do not see their organizations as laggards, for the most part: nearly half say they are about as advanced in their industrial transformation as their peers.

For more, download the full report

About the authors

Tommy Snyder (tommysnyder@heidrick.com) is a principal in Heidrick & Struggles’ Chicago office and regional co-lead of the Industrial Tech sector.

Roman Wecker (rwecker@heidrick.com) is a partner in Heidrick & Struggles’ Frankfurt office and a member of the Industrial and Supply Chain & Operations Officers practices. He leads the Manufacturing and Industrial Tech sectors as well as the firm’s sustainability work in DACH.

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