CEO Succession Planning
The right leader for the right time

The health of an organization requires an uninterrupted flow of capable leadership. Shorter tenures, increased focus on culture, and renewed commitments to diversity have brought even more complexity to the CEO succession process. As industry disruption continues, and shareholder and regulatory pressures grow, it has become all but essential that boards stay ahead of key talent decisions, executing tailored search plans to secure the right leader with the right capability at the right time.

Using data-driven models, Heidrick & Struggles helps you assess the current leadership capability of both internal and external candidates – as well as their future potential. We create custom profiles based on your company’s strategy to define the crucial attributes for your next phase of growth. Leveraging our deep knowledge of the candidate pool, we ensure that boards are never caught unprepared for a future transition.

The Key to Proper Succession
“Success in CEO succession planning is 90% perspiration. Boards that engage in the hard work, creating and implementing a rigorous, reliable process and keeping it current, will reap the greatest benefits.”

Our CEO Succession Planning Process

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Building Strong Foundations of Future-Ready Leadership

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