
Jerry Gorss is a principal in Heidrick & Struggles' Boston office and a member of the global Industrial, Supply Chain & Operations Officers, and Human Resources Officers practices. He advises clients on building and developing effective leadership teams at the C-suite and senior executive levels.


Jerry partners with clients to lead executive search and talent consulting engagements during critical inflection points in their organization, including succession, rapid growth, transformation, and new technology adoption. He has led CEO, COO, general manager, supply chain, operations, and human resources searches for various clients in the industrial sector, including private equity portfolio companies, publicly-traded enterprises, and venture-backed startups.

Prior to joining Heidrick & Struggles, Jerry served as an officer in the U.S. Army for more than a decade. Throughout his army career, Jerry empowered leaders across organizations to improve results in leadership development and organizational culture. Most recently, he served on the staff and faculty of the United States Military Academy at West Point. Before that, he served as a unit commander and helicopter pilot in Afghanistan.


University of North Carolina, MBA

Columbia University, MA, Organizational Psychology

United States Military Academy, BS

Philanthropy and Service

Jerry continues his service as an officer in the United States Army Reserve, assigned as a West Point liaison officer, responsible for identifying, recruiting, and mentoring future leaders for attendance at the Academy. Additionally, he serves on the board of the West Point Society of New England’s Board of Governors, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and furthering the mission of the United States Military Academy.