Money is changing

The payments space is increasingly diverse, complex, and evolving. Within it, longtime incumbents and entrepreneurial financial technology businesses pursue complementary goals of profitable growth and customer-focused innovation. In some subsectors, evolution has meant revolution, and the disruptive firms driving it now seek leaders with the experience and maturity to scale responsibly. Meanwhile, well-established banks and other financial services firms want new leadership and thinking to build agility and stay competitive in an increasingly digital, AI-driven world.

At Heidrick & Struggles, our 70+ years of experience and expertise cover the full payments ecosystem. That includes advising major payments-technology providers, global banking institutions, and emerging digital players on global, national, and regional roles. To every engagement, we bring a deep understanding of all facets of payments, including merchant acquiring, issuing, corporate,  B2B, and consumer payments. We utilize our unmatched relationships, proprietary assessment tools, and connections across our practice areas—technology, finance, risk, others—to dig deeper and engage top talent able to lead strategy, revenue, partnerships, and other areas. Money is changing; we’ll help evolve your leadership to drive value of every type.

Disruptive Leaders: An overlooked source of organizational resilience
“Disrupt and challenge” is part of our META framework, which identifies the leadership behaviors that differentiate high-performing organizations, teams, and leaders.
Meet our leadership
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