Board Monitor 2022: Around the Globe
This series of reports is part of Heidrick & Struggles’ long-standing study of trends in board composition in countries around the world. Produced by our CEO & Board Practice, these reports track and analyze trends in nonexecutive director appointments to the boards of the largest publicly listed companies in the following markets:
Australia (ASX 200) | New Zealand (NZX 10) |
Belgium (BEL 20) | Norway (OBX) |
Brazil (BOVESPA) | Portugal (PSI 20) |
Canada (TSX 60) | Saudi Arabia (Tadawul) |
Denmark (OMX Copenhagen 25) | Singapore (STI 30) |
Finland (OMX Helsinki 25) | South Africa (JSE Top 40) |
France (CAC 40) | Spain (IBEX 35) |
Germany (DAX and MDAX) | Sweden (OMX 30) |
Hong Kong (Hang Seng) | Switzerland (SMI Expanded) |
Ireland (ISEQ) | United Arab Emirates (ADX and DFM) |
Italy (FTSE MIB) | United Kingdom (FTSE 350) |
Mexico (BMV IPC) | United States (Fortune 500) |
The Netherlands (AEX) |
Information about executives is gathered from publicly available sources, BoardEx, and a Heidrick & Struggles proprietary database.
Board Monitor 2022 reports
Explore all of the Board Monitor 2022 reports
Board Monitor US 2022
In 2021, boards of companies in the Fortune 500 continued a trend that began in the second half of 2020: bringing in an infusion of fresh thinking by reaching out to groups of people from increasingly diverse backgrounds.
Board Monitor UK 2022
In 2021, boards of companies in the FTSE 350 saw a record number of appointments, the largest share of seats ever going to women, and great improvements in ethnic diversity.
Board Monitor Europe 2022
In 2021, there was a marked increase in the number of appointments on European boards, as well as a slight decline in the shares of seats going to women and non-nationals.
Board Monitor Hong Kong 2022
In 2021, boards of companies in the Hang Seng saw a record number of appointments, the largest share of seats ever going to women, and the lowest share of seats going to those with prior CEO experience.
Board Monitor Singapore 2022
STI 30 companies appointed the largest cohort of new directors in five years, with more emphasis on retired executives and those with prior board experience.
Board Monitor Brazil 2022
In 2021, B3 companies frequently appointed directors with human resources backgrounds, with a strong mandate to improve succession planning at both board and executive committee team levels.
Board Monitor South Africa 2022
Our analysis of incoming directors at JSE Top 40 listed companies shows a preference for CEO experience as well as an increase in gender diversity.
Board Monitor Mexico 2022
In 2021, companies listed on the BMV showed a preference for first-time public board members as well as active executives.
Board Monitor UAE 2022
Our second annual report examining incoming directors at listed companies from across the UAE shows a significant preference for first-time board members.
Board Monitor Canada 2022
In 2021, boards of TSX 60 companies once again appointed a record number of directors and made progress increasing the representation of BIPOC.
Board Monitor Saudi Arabia 2022
Our first look at incoming directors at listed companies from across Saudi Arabia shows a local preference for active executives.