Inclusive Leadership
Inclusive Leadership
Diversity is here and growing—will you grow with it?

We live and work in an increasingly diverse, interconnected, and complex world with ever-more challenging problems and questions. Only organizations and teams designed with this reality in mind will be ready for the important moments ahead—whether charting a path to growth, developing a new strategy, facing unexpected competition, or managing other significant changes. Diversity can and does drive performance. Unlocking that fully requires future-ready, head-and-heart-driven leaders who recognize that diversity, in its many forms, already exists on their teams and work proactively to develop inclusive practices and cultures to get the best work out of everyone.

At Heidrick & Struggles, we hire and optimize our own global team with these beliefs top of mind and can help you do the same. We meet our clients wherever they are on their diversity journey and work closely with them to measure, envision, articulate, and embed an authentic version of themselves as an organization and, over time, evolve toward an even better version of themselves—whatever that may be. To do that, we harness 70+ years of insights into what makes great leaders and organizations, along with the growing body of research on the value AND dynamics of diversity. Ultimately, we are in the “who and how” business, providing assessment, placement, consulting, and other services to ensure you attract and accelerate the right leaders and build a culture around them in service of your ambitions for today and tomorrow.

What we do

We offer three complementary solutions to accelerate client performance through inclusion and diversity.

See our Industry Expertise
Heidrick & Struggles serves clients across virtually every industry and sector.
Inclusive Leadership

Leading across boundaries and divides

We are all different: CEOs, board chairs, and other leaders can ignore it, or dive into it. Leaders have to choose.

Heidrick & Struggles Sustainability Report

This is Heidrick & Struggles’ fourth sustainability report, covering how our services helped clients achieve their sustainability ambitions as well as our internal sustainability actions in 2023, except where otherwise noted. It covers impacts within our corporate boundary – our global network of 61 offices in 30 countries.

Thinking about neurodiversity in the workplace? Here is a place to start.

Working to understand neurodiversity and how to include, incorporate, and enable neurodiverse teammates can feel intimidating. It’s natural to be wary of making mistakes or failing to support. Remember that it’s not about getting it right but being willing to try and open to learning.

How can we help?
Contact us to discuss the needs of your organization

Helping Leaders Activate 100% of Their Talent to Drive Real Change

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