Asset & Wealth Management
Enabling organizations to optimize their performance by providing unparalleled leadership solutions

Industry consolidation, global influences, and the resulting economic and political paradigm shifts create a growing necessity for fluidity in this ever-changing investment environment. In conjunction with technological advancements and social developments, the market keeps providing both novel challenges and opportunities. Managers should look towards tech-enabled collaborations and shift their interaction and distribution models towards deeper technical integration. This means access to partnerships and collaboration will become increasingly essential.

Heidrick & Struggles’ experts are fully dedicated to providing the best possible access to talents, analyzing the market, and recruiting the best individuals as leaders tailored to our clients’ needs. Profound expertise and a deep understanding of how internal and external developments affect the leadership requirements in asset and wealth management enable us to help our clients find optimal solutions for their leadership challenges. We establish and maintain outstanding relationships with the world’s best leaders in real estate, private capital, hedge funds, infrastructure, asset and wealth management, and all other alternative investment asset classes to contribute to our clients’ success./p>

Brining your organization up to speed
For asset managers focusing on their product strategy, our experience and discussions with industry leaders suggest three principal areas of focus.

Nuveen代表取締役社長 シニア・マネージング・ディレクター 鈴木 康之

日本の資産運用業界のリーダーシップに関するインタビューシリーズの第 1 回:ヌビーン・ジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長 鈴木康之氏が語る日本市場への参入戦略、市場慣行の尊重とダイバーシティの重要性
