Une passion égale pour les gens et la résolution de problèmes
Rejoindre Heidrick

Une passion égale pour les gens et la résolution de problèmes

Le succès organisationnel commence par la compréhension des personnes : Qu'est-ce qui les motive ? Qu'est-ce qui débloque leur potentiel ? Quels sont les obstacles qui se dressent sur leur chemin ? Nous nous mettons constamment au défi de produire des réponses plus empathiques et fondées sur des preuves, que nous mettons à l'épreuve de notre propre culture.

Nous embauchons des personnes qui font preuve de curiosité, de résilience et de créativité dans la résolution de problèmes. Nos meilleures recrues combinent ces qualités avec une véritable passion pour les gens. Ils s'épanouissent dans notre culture accueillante, inclusive et diversifiée. Et quel que soit leur parcours professionnel, ils bénéficient d'un juste équilibre entre liberté, responsabilité et soutien pour tracer leur route.

Consultez notre politique de confidentialité pour le recrutement des employés.

Learn why top talent chooses us...
Trust, Flexibility, and Accountability 
Implementation of our flexible workspace philosophy
Global Presence 
employees working across 50+ locations worldwide and expanding into new countries regularly
Fostering Education 
Hours of virtual learning for employees in 2020
Learn why top talent chooses us.
Career growth and promotion from within
You’ll work side-by-side with leadership experts who can open new doors. We have a strong track record for promoting employees to senior-level roles.
Challenging and satisfying work
No two days are the same. The variety of our engagements provides novel opportunities that will challenge you to think and work in new ways.
Competitive pay with best-in-class benefits
We offer competitive compensation at every level, provide opportunities for you to increase your earnings exponentially throughout your career, and ensure benefits to fit your life needs.
Enjoy the company you keep
The best part about working at Heidrick & Struggles is the people. You’ll be a part of a team that understands the value of collaboration and enjoys working together to succeed.
Global clientele across industries
With offices in 30 countries, you’ll have the chance to work with the world's most successful multinational companies and build a valuable global network.

Choose your path

We offer challenging, rewarding work in roles at every level of our organization, from intern to partner.


Nous avons l’honneur de figurer au palmarès des meilleures entreprises américaines de Conseil en management de Forbes et Statista

Getting DE&I right is more important, and more complicated, than ever. A survey of 420 executives from eight countries offers insights into how companies are trying to keep up with the pace of change and what questions to ask next.

Environmental, Social, and Governance

Heidrick & Struggles' ESG Report

This is Heidrick & Struggles’ third ESG report, covering environmental, social, and governance activities that took place during the fiscal year 2022, beginning January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, except where otherwise noted. This report was produced in line with globally recognized frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standard for Professional & Commercial Services, and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). This report covers impacts within our corporate boundary—through our network of 55 offices in 31 countries around the world.

The Leadership CompanyTM